Cycle Force Group is a U.S. based importer of bicycles, parts and accessories serving all facets of the cycling industry worldwide.
The former CFG website was in need of refurbishing as the site was designed with WordPress perhaps a decade earlier with low-res images and painful color theory issues.
Following the color theme of the Cycle Force logo the site followed suit, and a motion video hero banner that I edited together from various clips from CFG brand partners asserts that CFG is in forward motion just as the bikes they sell.
Form and Function
It's function is to be a corporate landing site for interested business partners and dealers, but customers often find their way to the site, too, so the contact form gets used quite often.
Graphic/visual design and web coding rarely come together as highly-honed skill sets into a single individual.
That is why Wix is such a powerful platform for visual designers as myself, and why migrating a site from WordPress or Weebly, etc. is such a joy with Wix which bypasses the barriers of web coding for the designer.
Do you need a corporate site for your company? Why not call DW Digital Marketing today to find out how DWDM is making happy corporate clients and how you could be one, too.
Schedule a brief discovery call with me today!